IFFBoston 2024

Happy Campers


Expected to be in attendance at the festival:

Director Amy Nicholson and Production Assistance Tim Schadt

Q&A Moderated By:


In a waterfront campground off the coast of Virginia, tenants live spitting distance apart in rows of rust-bitten RVs. With horrific roads, questionable septic, and a colony of feral cats, the Hamptons crowd wouldn’t be caught dead there. The blue-collar residents of Inlet View chuckle about paying modest rent for a million-dollar view, but what makes them the luckiest people in the world is what they value.

Beneath a few trailer park stereotypes lies an improbable utopia where anyone who makes it past the gate is welcome. There are no judgments. People take food to their neighbors. They look out for each other’s kids. They share everything from power tools to simple pleasures. Loneliness and isolation are inconceivable. 

Sadly, their self-created paradise has been sold, destined to become part of a corporate portfolio of luxury getaways for “nice” families. 

It was only a matter of time before the real estate industry caught up with Inlet View. The location is spectacular. Dolphins swim just offshore. Pelicans glide past the prettiest sunsets anywhere. Its assets read like an overwritten sales brochure. And yet, the real magic of the place is the people.

Over the decades, the campers and their trailers have grown deep roots. They brace for eviction and the loss of friendships that span generations. Inlet View is quite literally their last resort.

As the familiar narrative of the “haves” displacing the “have-nots” plays out once again, the proletariats hold tight to their final days in the sun. The well-to-do crowd that moves in will never be as wealthy.