IFFBoston 2024

eVil Sublet


Expected to be in attendance at the festival:

Director Allan Piper and Actor Jennifer Leigh Houston

Q&A Moderated By:

Darryl C. Murphy (WBUR)


New Yorkers know a little haunting is no reason to pass up a cheap apartment in America’s most expensive city. As rising rents push Alex (Jennifer Leigh Houston) and Ben (Charley Tucker) out of their old apartment, they think they've lucked out when they find a listing for an affordable “evil sublet.” They assume “eVil” is short for “East Village,” like “SoHo” for South of Houston, TriBeCa for the Triangle Below Canal, and DUMBO for “Down Under Manhattan Bridge.”

The apartment is being rented out by the mysterious and reclusive Reena Baker, played by Sally Struthers in her horror debut.

Despite warnings that the apartment is cursed and that previous tenants have come to “horrific ends,” Alex and Ben decide it’s too good to pass up. After all, it’s got an eat-in kitchen!


Unfortunately, a bad roommate situation can ruin any dream apartment, and a horde of murderous ghosts soon turns out to be more than Alex and Ben can handle. With the help of Alex’s ex-wife, Hedy (Leanne Borghesi) and a pair of paranormal investigators (Pat Dwyer, Stephen Mosher), their lives soon depend on escaping the evil of their sublet.

Filming in a real-life haunted apartment, director Allan Piper managed to capture some actual unexplained phenomena to include in the movie.

EVIL SUBLET is the winner of ten festival awards, including Best Feature awards at New York’s Coney Island Film Film Festival and San Francisco’s Another Hole in the Head, Best of the Fest at the DC Independent Film Festival, Best Comedy awards at Haunted House FearFest and the New York City Horror Film Festival, and Best Actress awards for Houston and Struthers respectively at HorrOrigins Film Fest and Haunted House FearFest.